Currently available for speaking engagements!

Topics include:

Anchored: Finding Solid Ground in the Mess of Transition – 40 minute talk about what we need to navigate in transition and how to anchor ourselves in the midst of it.

Called by Name – a 30 minutes talk focused on helping people recognize their unique calling.

Living Loved – a 30 minute talk on learning to rest in God’s love for us

Embracing Suffering – a 30-minute talk on how we can embrace the lessons God has for us in the hard times

The Importance of Being Awake – a 1.5-hour talk about identifying the strategies we use to make life work apart from God, dealing with desire, and the importance of vulnerability, includes discussion and Q&A

Dealing with Disappointment – a 45-minute talk based on Lamentations 3 helping us see how to view disappointment (including disappointment with God) with a perspective of faith, hope, and trust in God’s deep love and goodness.

A Process of Discernment – a 45-minute talk on decision-making that takes us far beyond a pro/con list by teaching a more gentle, life-giving process with God.

Helping Kids Transition – a 30-minute talk including practical ways we can help our kids navigate transition with grace and hope.

Enneagram – a 2-hour seminar about this unique personality assessment. I cover the Enneagram as a whole, give an overview of each type, and address how we can use the Enneagram as a tool for personal and spiritual growth.

When done in a team context, I also talk about how team dynamics are affected by the types represented on your team (can be also be adjusted for an audience of leaders-how does each type lead?-as well as parenting-how does each type function as a parent and as a child?) There is allotted time for discussion and Q&A.

Retreat series:

Embracing the Wild: Finding God in the Unexpected Journey – 3 talk series based on the journey of the Israelites. How do we find God when life isn’t what we thought it should be? How do we wait in the wilderness when God isn’t showing up when or how we hoped? And how do we live in good seasons in a way that fortifies us for the next ones?

A Heart Like His – 4 talk series based on the Prodigal Son, discussing how we look for life and love outside of God, how we harden our hearts and rest in our own abilities, the open heart of the Father, and how we can learn to love like He does.

It Is Well With My Soul – 4 talk series based on Jeremiah 17:5-8, and centered on what the soul needs to thrive. Topics include: the soul needs rest, the soul needs a source, the soul needs to bless, and the soul needs others.

I’m also open to creating content for your needs.

You may inquire about speaking by writing to me at I look forward to connecting and meeting God together!