A friend of mine texted last night to see if I had any time this week to get together.
Everything in me wanted to say yes, but the reality was that looking at my schedule this week was already making me tired.
No margin. No white space. Mostly self-imposed, but it all feels necessary (“feel” being the operative word there).
Anybody else staring down a week of “I’m not sure when I’ll sit down” or “so much for cleaning the house?” (I say that like I actually would have cleaned the house if I had time. Ha).
Maybe it’s not that your schedule is too full, but that the activities that fill it ask so much of you. You’re trying to balance home and work and relationships and goals, and it’s enough to wear down the soul.
I opened my email this morning and saw this great post about walking away the Monday blues. What encouraged me most from it was this version of Matthew 11:28-30 from The Message:
“Are you tired? Worn out? Come to Me. Get away with Me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with Me and work with me-watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
I want those unforced rhythms of grace. Too often I try too hard, doing too much, one more task, one more activity squeezed in until there’s no space left. No grace. But if it’s heavy or ill-fitting, maybe it’s not what He’s called me to do.
Whether it’s a quiet walk or 10 minutes of silence (maybe in the bathroom cause that’s the only place you can get away) or just a moment when we stop and take some deep breaths-He’s calling us to come and remember that He can show us how to walk freely and lightly in the midst of busy.
He knows how to stare down a busy week-a week full of ministry and demands and conflict-and do it with a rested heart. He can teach us how to do it too.
Get away with Him. Get His perspective, His strength, His peace, His power. Keep company with Him this week.
Related posts:
When You Just Have to Do One Day at a Time
Yes. Yes. and Yes. Great reminders. I actually started this morning feeling more refreshed and ready – not always my norm, but time with Him and in His Word has made the difference. Seems so simple, but not easy. When you get some white space, let’s find a time to connect… =)
It’s amazing how easy it is to forget that He is source of life and love. And yes – would love to connect soon!