So there I was, scrolling through twitter like I do sometimes, when I noticed a comment by a well-known author I follow.
It was just a random comment, but it had 17 replies. Never have I ever had 17 replies to a comment I made on twitter. It’s a red letter day when I get one comment. The thought that jumped to mind was,
“I wish I was (name of well-known author, whose identity is irrelevant).”
And the next thought that jumped into my head was, “How dare you?”
Not, “How dare you presume you could ever achieve that level of notoriety.”
No, it was, “How dare you think that you should be anyone other than who you are.“
It’s so easy to do, isn’t it? I wish I were like her. That would be a better story. If only I had that job. I wish I had that body. She’s a better mom. If only we had that kind of money. I want his career trajectory, her opportunities, that life.
At that moment, God convicted me. Because to compare myself to another and think that maybe I would be better off, more loved, more significant, if I were them, is an affront to my Creator.
Who we are, where we are, what we’re doing, what we are able to do–it’s God’s poetry. He wrote us this way. We are designed by the ultimate designer. He delights in how He has made us. What He has created in us He loves. He wouldn’t have us any other way.
So when you are tempted to look sideways and compare, “Maybe that life would be better than this one,” banish the thought. It’s a lie from the pit of hell.
It takes our eyes off what He has made is in us that is so very good.
Our view of what He has given us to offer the world gets diminished.
It says less about us than it does about our view of Him and His work.
Don’t wish you were anyone else. Be who He made you to be. Agree with Him that it is good. Embrace it. Live it to the fullest. Take joy in who you are, because He does.
“But now thus says the LORD, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1
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The Lies of Too Much and Not Enough
This resonates!
I once said of a friend, “She is living my dream life.” I meant it because God had directed me away from the career that she is enjoying. And yet her life has been full of pain due to personal tragedy. That exposed the idol worship I had for the not-given career…. and brought me one more step to accepting that God’s will for my life is good and perfect and please *for me* as well as for His kingdom!
Yes, the second I thought I might want to be this other woman, I thought, “Yeah, but people make mean comments to her all the time. She gets shot down so often. Would I really want that?” It’s easy to see other peoples’ lives like icebergs-we see what’s above the water, but don’t know all that’s going on behind it.
You’re right on target! You deserve 17 comments! I love how you hit the nail on the head! Love you, Gina, and an glad you’re Gina!
Thanks Maggie!