Being over Doing

If you haven’t realized this already, I like to do. Just do, do, do. It’s not that I feel I must do things, it’s that I like to do things. A lot of things. Really more than I could do in a lifetime, let alone a day. (truthfully, there are some things I probably ought to do that I am wildly adept at avoiding).

It’s difficult, on the days when the kids are home for school, not to plan what I want to do as well. Part of what made last Wednesday so nutty was that I had a dozen things of my own going on while trying to help the kids. Brilliant move on my part.

They’re sharp, kids are. They know when we are distracted, preoccupied, only half-with them. Not only do my attempts to do other things while they need me actually make everything take longer, I’m sure it doesn’t communicate love well.

Today, I determined to set aside my to do’s and just focus on the kids. I didn’t do it perfectly by any means, but I’m learning that victory isn’t about perfection. It’s about the fact that you tried and kept trying. Side bonus: I don’t feel sucked dry at the end of the day. Ah, limits – one day I will accept them as my friends.

What are you calling victory today?

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