Do It Scared

So I have this ambition to write a book about transition. I’m good at ambition – I’m ambitious about a lot of things. But most of those things are within my grasp, private, typical. Or if they aren’t, no one knows about them anyway, so they don’t know that I failed.

In this, success or failure is not something I can call. It’s something others will call. Let me tell you: that terrifies me.

So I find excuses not to write. The house is dirty. I’m tired. I don’t have enough time to really get into it right now. I need to do this project for work instead. I should write a blog post (ahem).

Why? I’m afraid that when I sit down, nothing will come. Or I’ll look at it and say, “What on earth am I even trying to say here? This doesn’t make sense!” Or I won’t have enough material. Or maybe, after all my hard work, it will still fail.

I think I keep hoping that it will magically write itself. I’m discovering that my voice recorder on my phone is my best writing friend – this book might just be written in 30 second sound bites that hit me on the 417 or in the last waking moments of the day. Still, somehow those thoughts need to get organized and put down on actual paper, and that is what I have on my plan this morning.

Which brings me back to scared. But I’ve decided that my motto right now is “do it scared.” Stop waiting to feel confident or motivated or full of ideas or like you aren’t terrified to make this dream a reality. Courage isn’t the absence of fear. It’s doing it despite the fear.

What are you doing scared today?

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Friday mornings are one of my favorite times of the week because I get to spend 2 1/2 hours hanging out with several incredible women as we dig deeper into life and try to listen well and love each other where we are. It’s good stuff, I tell ya.

After “group” as we call it (which makes it sound like therapy, which it kind of is except free and more fun) I often have an hour and a half to kill before getting my son and his friend from school. Today, I determined that I would spend that time writing.

Apart from my blog, I have been starting to work on writing a book. I’ve had this idea in the back of my mind for a long time, but it’s amazing how I can find ways to not work on it. I try to schedule times to write it, and suddenly I am incredibly motivated to clean my house to within an inch of its life, or I find many things on the internet which I must read, or I have to organize my closets or run errands. Yesterday, I had planned to write all day but God decided to send me to the emergency room instead. I’m calling that not my fault.

So my victory today is that I said I would write, and I did. It’s that simple. I ignored the voices that called me to do something else, and I just wrote. It wasn’t hours, and maybe I’ll erase everything I wrote the next time I look at it, but I wrote. Victory!

What are you calling victory today?

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