Weekly Word – I Need Your Eyes

One of those words of wisdom I adopted as a young mom was the practice of making sure my kids were looking me in the eyes when I needed them to hear something important. I have so many memories of me saying, “I need your eyes . . . I need your eyes” while my children’s faces were inclined toward me, but their eyes were still straining to look elsewhere.

God has been telling me, “I need your eyes.” Not me sort of looking at Him while I’m holding out for something better out there somewhere, my half-attention while I peek at what’s around the corner. He wants all of my attention. He wants to be my only audience. Seek first His kingdom. In all your ways submit to Him. Fix your eyes on Jesus.

God made me a writer, and I love that. But it means I am in a constant battle to keep looking to Him rather than to the audience of the world. Facebook likes and twitter retweets and blog comments feed a desire to be known and admired. The problem is, they will never satisfy. He will.

So this is what abiding looks like this week: Giving Him my eyes. Letting the voices of the world slowly be drowned out by His voice calling me.

This is my first in hopefully a weekly reflection on my word of the year, Abide. Something like my 31 Days of Victory except hopefully much easier. At least the writing about it.

What about you? How are you living out your one word?